
Proces objednávania a dodania

1. Objednajte produkt a uveďte spôsob doručenia

2. Dostanete správu o potvrdení objednávky

3. Počkajte, kým príde vaša objednávka

4. Vyzdvihnite si svoju objednávku na pokladni alebo vám bude doručená domov

Možnosti doručenia

Preprava kuriérom


3,80€ s DPH

Pri preberaní zásielky je nutné dôkladne skontrolovať počet balíkov a ich stav (či nie sú poškodené). Ak nájdete akúkoľvek nezrovnalosť, treba na to okamžite upozorniť kuriéra a uviesť to do preberacieho protokolu (napríklad poškodené balenie, chýbajúci balík v zásielke atď.). Neskoršie reklamácie prepravy nebudú zo strany prepravcu uznané.

Preprava Zásielkovňou


2,80€ s DPH

Objednávky prijaté a zaplatené do 17:00 budú expedované z nášho skladu na druhý deň, doručenie kuriérom na Vami určenú adresu v rámci Slovenska je na ďalší pracovný deň. Doručenie prebieha prevažne v dopoludnajších hodinách, kuriér Vás bude pred doručením kontaktovať a je možné dohodnúť individuálny čas doručenia. Tovar si môžete nechať poslať aj na dobierku a sumu zaplatiť kuriérovi pri preberaní tovaru. V spolupráci so spoločnosťou GLS ponúkame aj doručovanie do okolitých krajín.

SMS notifikácia

Pri objednávkach vyžadujeme telefónne číslo, aby sme Vás jednoduchšie informovali o stave doručenia vašej zásielky. Jeden deň pred plánovaným doručením zásielky príjemca obdrží SMS správu o doručení vrátane čísla zásielky a výšky dobierky v prípade zásielky na dobierku. Navyše v deň doručenia príjemca obdrží interaktívnu SMS správu s 3 hodinovým upresnením času doručenia. Pokiaľ príjemcovi termín doručenia nevyhovuje, môže ho jednoducho zmeniť odpoveďou na SMS správu.

Štandardne zasielame tovar do 48h.

Dodacia doba je 10 dní.

Pri objednávke viacerých vecí platíte jedno poštovné – poštovné nezávisí od hmotnosti a veľkosti balíka. Balné je zdarma!


V prípade otázok, alebo pomoci kontaktujte našu zákaznícku linku:
+421 948 866 933 alebo emailom na:

DOPRAVA ZDARMA pri nákupe nad 70 €!


My order hasn't arrived yet. Where is it?

A client that's unhappy for a reason is a problem, a client that's unhappy though he or her can't quite put a finger on it is worse. Chances are there wasn't collaboration, communication, and checkpoints, there wasn't a process agreed upon or specified with the granularity required.

It's content strategy gone awry right from the start. Forswearing the use of Lorem Ipsum wouldn't have helped, won't help now. It's like saying you're a bad designer, use less bold text, don't use italics in every other paragraph. True enough, but that's not all that it takes to get things back on track.

Do you deliver on public holidays?

If that's what you think how bout the other way around? How can you evaluate content without design? No typography, no colors, no layout, no styles, all those things that convey the important signals that go beyond the mere textual, hierarchies of information, weight, emphasis, oblique stresses, priorities, all those subtle cues that also have visual and emotional appeal to the reader. Rigid proponents of content strategy may shun the use of dummy copy but then designers might want to ask them to provide style sheets with the copy decks they supply that are in tune with the design direction they require.

Do you deliver to my postcode?

A client that's unhappy for a reason is a problem, a client that's unhappy though he or her can't quite put a finger on it is worse. Chances are there wasn't collaboration, communication, and checkpoints, there wasn't a process agreed upon or specified with the granularity required.

It's content strategy gone awry right from the start. Forswearing the use of Lorem Ipsum wouldn't have helped, won't help now. It's like saying you're a bad designer, use less bold text, don't use italics in every other paragraph. True enough, but that's not all that it takes to get things back on track.

Is next-day delivery available on all orders?

If that's what you think how bout the other way around? How can you evaluate content without design? No typography, no colors, no layout, no styles, all those things that convey the important signals that go beyond the mere textual, hierarchies of information, weight, emphasis, oblique stresses, priorities, all those subtle cues that also have visual and emotional appeal to the reader. Rigid proponents of content strategy may shun the use of dummy copy but then designers might want to ask them to provide style sheets with the copy decks they supply that are in tune with the design direction they require.

Do I need to be there to sign for delivery?

A client that's unhappy for a reason is a problem, a client that's unhappy though he or her can't quite put a finger on it is worse. Chances are there wasn't collaboration, communication, and checkpoints, there wasn't a process agreed upon or specified with the granularity required.

It's content strategy gone awry right from the start. Forswearing the use of Lorem Ipsum wouldn't have helped, won't help now. It's like saying you're a bad designer, use less bold text, don't use italics in every other paragraph. True enough, but that's not all that it takes to get things back on track.


Možnosti platby

Platba na dobierku

  • platba v hotovosti pri prevzatí tovaru od kuriéra 
  • pri zvolení dopravy  kuriér je možnosť uhradiť čiastku dobierky pomocou platobnej karty
  • dobierka je spoplatnená sumou 1,50€

Platba kartou

  • online platba po dokončení objednávky – budete presmerovaný na zabezpečenú platobnú bránu, kde po zadaní údajov prebehne autorizácia platby. Po úspešnej autorizácii je čiastka ihneď pripísaná na náš účet a tovar môže byť ihneď expedovaný
  • pri prevzatí balíka od kuriéra GLS je tiež možné zaplatiť čiastku dobierky platobnou kartou

Platba vopred bankovým prevodom

  • pri platbe je potrebné uviesť  variabilný symbol  = číslo objednávky, ktorý je dôležitý pre správne priradenie platby k objednávke. Tovar je expedovaný až po pripísaní platby na náš bankový účet. V prípade, že platbu neevidujeme na našom bankovom účte do 7 dní po prijatí objednávky, objednávka bude stornovaná.

Platobné údaje:

Peňažný ústav: Tatra banka a.s.
Číslo účtu: 2948151726/1100 
IBAN: SK67 1100 0000 0029 4815 1726

Ceny uvedené v cenníku sú uvedené s DPH. Objednaný tovar si môžete zaslať na Vami určenú adresu.

Potrebujete pomoc?

  • +421 948 866 933

Online store of household appliances and electronics

Then the question arises: where’s the content? Not there yet? That’s not so bad, there’s dummy copy to the rescue. But worse, what if the fish doesn’t fit in the can, the foot’s to big for the boot? Or to small? To short sentences, to many headings, images too large for the proposed design, or too small, or they fit in but it looks iffy for reasons.

A client that's unhappy for a reason is a problem, a client that's unhappy though he or her can't quite put a finger on it is worse. Chances are there wasn't collaboration, communication, and checkpoints, there wasn't a process agreed upon or specified with the granularity required. It's content strategy gone awry right from the start. If that's what you think how bout the other way around? How can you evaluate content without design? No typography, no colors, no layout, no styles, all those things that convey the important signals that go beyond the mere textual, hierarchies of information, weight, emphasis, oblique stresses, priorities, all those subtle cues that also have visual and emotional appeal to the reader.